Coconut Lemongrass! My first soap batch made in 2015 is cut and curing. Made with coconut almond milk and shea butter, it's going to be super silky smooth. I froze the nut milk in an ice cube tray and just defrosted what I needed - worked great! For fragrance I used a mix of essential oils and perfume, each in their individual colors. I had big hopes for a really cool swirl, but the fo set up waay too fast and had to "plop layer" it into the mold, which accounts for some of the air pockets you see. The tan color is scented with Coconut Milk Lavender from Bulk Apothecary. It smells wonderful but the acceleration was a major bummer. Next time I will add this to the warm oils, before the lye, and see if it behaves any better. On the upside, it should not discolor much. The blue is scented with lavender essential oil and the pale yellow is lemongrass eo. The lemongrass also ran fast for me; hence the plop method! Althou...
Handmade Soaps and Sweet Bath Treats