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Balancing the Possibilities

Many soapers like myself aren't living the dream of operating a full time soap business.  We have other types of work and careers that must remain top priority to pay the bills and keep our families going.  Those of us who are taking a shot at soaping as a side business have to squeeze out the extra time for it in rather creative ways. We can't be profitable if we aren't working at it several hours a week.  I'd venture to say many of us are in that same boat.

I've done alot of thinking this weekend about moving forward in a new marketplace this season, and had another wonderful opportunity offered out of the blue.  Lots of exciting things are happening, but this also brings with it a degree of fear and anxiety for me.  I have a wonderfully supportive husband, but why do I immediately worry about failing?  I swear I have a dozen batches of soap curing right now and lots more already packaged and waiting, but still I fear I "won't have enough"!  When I step back to look at it rationally, that's a silly thing to worry about.  But the fear still creeps in and niggles at my brain.

So I ask you, how do you all deal with this type of mental roadblock?  Is it just me falling prey to this? Seeking out opportunity is important for growth of any kind, so why second guess ourselves when those opportunties come along?   How do you find time to focus on your business in the midst of your busy lives?   A house keeper would help but let's be realistic here!  Tell me how you balance it all in your world?  This girl needs a pep talk!


  1. Multi-tasking!!!! I watch video's on things I am researching while I fold laundry or cook meals. I have the added issue of a husband that is not fond of my making soap when he is home, although he is willing to watch kids while I go to shows or home parties. I have learned how to shuffle priorities around some days. I. e. some days I make soap before I clean house or do laundry. I have also learned to make time for me while still not loosing sight of other responsibilities. Making time for me ensures that I don't end up burned out.

    Yes there are days when I wonder if I should keep going, but I know that for right now, this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Yes there are days when the dishes don't get washed right away. And there are days when my laundry hamper overflows, but my family knows that they are loved because I try to take the time with them first. I have three kids between the ages of 12 and 4. I do however, try not to let it get too far ahead of me.

    As a teen I said that I would never have my own business after watching my parents try to juggle one. Now I find myself in the same place. However, I find this business so rewarding.

    1. So true - I love the rewards it brings! My kids are all grown and last one out of the house recently, so I'm spreading my wings a little more. We have lots less dishes and laundry! Thanks Lois :)

  2. I'm blessed to have a husband who can support both of us comfortably. But running a soap business full time still requires balance for me. My hardest task is the packaging and labeling. I love, and I mean LOVE to make the soap, but when it comes to the packaging and labeling I cant seem to make up my mind or make a smooth go of it. It's like I get brain farts when it comes to that part of my business. I know that if I had children at home (I know my parrot doesn't count), I would be moving a lot slower in this business. My family does always come first, so it would be struggle for sure. I try to balance my day with 20 minutes of research and social sharing, making soap 4- 5 days a week, labeling and packaging on weekends, and blogging my business. I'm not disciplined or perfect by far, I'm not wealthy on soap making (I love to give it away), but like cooking- I'm passionate about what I create. Lois is right- if you love what you do, no matter it is rewarding. I refuse to quit making soap- even if not one person in the world bought my soap- too bad, I love making it for my family.

    1. Right On! I love that response, that's exactly how I feel. You've been an inspiration to me, so I'm going to put that in my mental file and use it when I feel anxious. It seems like scheduling tasks for certain days is a great way to go. Thanks Suz :) (I hope you don't mind me calling you that?!)

  3. I like to make myself a weekly to do list and post it on the fridge alongside my monthly scheduling calendar. Then I can pencil in things for the week and make a tentative plan. I like to take things one week at a time because it is less overwhelming that way, and week to week the schedule can be so different. Also, I like to have a long term goal list to remind myself where I am aiming for, this helps me to keep the bigger picture in mind on a day to day basis.
    On the side, a note on the anxiety regarding your stock; Don't feel like you don't have enough!!! I know a lot of people say that it is better to have stock to keep your table full at markets etc. but I am of a belief that bringing too much to a market can make it seem like no one buys your things. I am not saying go unprepared, rather just reminding you that people like to have a product that seems exclusive, and popular. You would be surprised how quickly things get snapped up from my booths when customers realize there aren't many left and if they think about it or come back later the product they want to try may not be there =)

    1. For sure, I've experienced that too. For me it's the same principle as cooking Thanksgiving dinner....more is more is more....but then there are too many leftovers. I will work on my need to overstock! And get a better calendar :)

  4. I certainly appreciate the insight of those who already know the ropes! Thanks for leading me through the worries. I also know that things rarely turn out as you've planned anyway so why fret. Hey btw - this is a record for comments on my blog - Thanks Ladies! (doing happy dance) LOL


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